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Thursday, May 25 | EREV SHAVUOT
Candle Lighting  8:04 pm
Ma'ariv 8:30 pm *
Tikkun begins  9:00 pm *
Taste of Tikkun for Kids • 9:00 pm

Friday, May 26 | SHAVUOT I
Early Morning Festival Service  5:00 am
Shavuot I Services  9:00 am *
Uptown Shabbat featuring Cantor Robyn Helzner and Chazzan Larry Paul 6:30 pm *
Dairy/Vegan Shabbat Dinner  7:00 pm

Saturday, May 27 | SHAVUOT II • SHABBAT
Services 9:00 am *
Book of Ruth ~10:00 am
Yizkor ~11:00 am
Installation of Officers, Board Members & Trustees ~11:45 am
Birthday/Anniversary Kiddush Luncheon 12:15 pm

Click here to help sponsor the Kiddush.
Talmud Study with Rabbi Seidel 1:00 pm
Click here to learn more about Talmud Study
Tikkun Yom Shavuot • 3:30 pm

* in person or virtual

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TI is delighted to offer Tikkun sessions at a variety of times and locations, and for all ages. Find one that suits you and try it out!

In partnership with Fabrangen Havurah and Shirat HaNefesh
Thursday, May 25 beginning at 9:00 pm
It is traditional to symbolically prepare ourselves to receive the Torah by studying (and snacking)
throughout the first night of Shavuot. TI observes this tradition each year in partnership with local congregations.

-->Some sessions will be offered via Zoom.
Click here for the Zoom link.<--

9:15 - 10:10 pm • Session #1
Rabbi Chuck Feinberg - "Tikkun Olam in the Talmud” *
Melissa Werbow - "Broken Tablets"

10:20 - 11:15 pm • Session #2
Bill Galston - "What Our Tradition Says About Economics” *
Dick Siegel - "TI's Neighbor on 16th Street, the Hanafi Muslim House, and the 1977 Hanafi Siege of DC" 

11:25 pm -12:20 am • Session #3
Rachel Braun - "Why Count the Omer?" *
Stan Dorn - "
Help, I've Fallen and Can't Get Up: Insights From an Early Hassidic Master About Coping with Life's Inevitable Setbacks

12:30 - 1:25 am • Session #4
Virginia Spatz - "
Sharpened Wits and Teachers' Eyes: Learning Across Time and Circumstance” **
Carolivia Herron "Yearning - The Hidden Beta Israel of Kechene and North Shewa, Ethiopia"

1:35 - 2:30 am • Session #5
Rabbi Michael Werbow - Cooking Session: Making Blintzes
Simcha Kuritzky - "Hebrew Love Tokens: Coins Engraved with Names of God and Other Things"

2:40 - 3:35 am • Session #6
Nancy Wallace - "The Jewish Home and Climate Change - 50 Things We Can Do Now"
Mark Berch - “Dissecting Names in the Scroll of Ruth”

3:45 - 4:40 am • Session #7
Rabbi Michael Werbow - "Engaging our Bodies in Torah"

5: 00 am • Morning Service, co-sponsored by TI and Minyan Segulah

* in person or virtual
** presented via Zoom, attend in person or via Zoom



Co-sponsored by Minyan Segulah and TI
Thursday, May 25 • 9:00 pm
Stay up late for a 30-minute taste of late night learning with Rabbi Werbow, followed by special Shavuot treats.
The session is geared to 3rd-6th graders but open to all!

Click here to register.


Co-sponsored by Minyan Segulah and TI
Saturday, May 27 • 3:30 pm
Join with friends and family for outdoor learning and snacking at
Jesup Blair Park and playground.
BYO picnic blanket, folding chairs or other ground cover. Snacks provided!
The park is at the corner of Georgia Avenue and Blair Road in Silver Spring.
The group will gather in the vicinity of the playground and pedestrian bridge across the train tracks.

Click here to register.

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Sponsored by the Membership Committee
Sunday, May 7 • 4:00 pm

All who joined TI since 2019 are invited to bake cheesecake with Rabbi Werbow and a handful of TI veterans. Learn why it's traditional to eat dairy products for Shavuot and enjoy a sample!

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Saturday, May 27 ~10:00 am

With its themes of loyalty and kindness set against the backdrop of a harvest, the Book of Ruth is read each year on the second day of Shavuot, which falls this year on Shabbat.

View The Book of Ruth here.
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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784