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The Menorah:TI's Monthly Newsletter

Read the January Menorah here!

The Menorah is TI's monthly newsletter. It's a great way to learn about TI events, check out upcoming happenings, and read musings by congregants, along with regular columns from the Rabbi, the President and the Education Director. Visit the archives to see current and past editions. Always check the TI calendar for event updates.

Submission Guidelines

The community creates The Menorah, so consider contributing! The guidelines below should help you submit articles, photos and flyers in a form that can be used by the editor.

Please send submissions and comments to

Any topic of Jewish interest is welcome. If you have an idea for an article The Menorah editor will be happy to help you refine the idea or otherwise work with you. There are no requirements for length but 1-2 pages is a sweet spot for longer articles. Short articles of 1-3 paragraphs are useful for filling gaps at the bottom of a page.

Photos always lose some quality when printed, so a good original is important in terms of contrast, proper focus, and reduction of distracting backgrounds and clothing, etc. Please do your best to follow these guidelines if you can, but if you can’t send the photos anyway. We want your pics! 

• Format: JPG or PNG
• Quality: High resolution/quality preferred; medium resolution/quality is ok
• Size: Photos are printed at ~3x2 in. Submit pics no more than 2x that size
• Resolution: 800 by 600
• Cell phone pics: Cell photos are ok, but use another camera if you can
• Photos by email: Send as attachment, not embedded in the message

We want your event announcements and flyers! The best format to submit is JPG. PDFs are acceptable, but harder to deal with. And did you know you can create line graphics in PowerPoint?

The biggest image that can fit on a Menorah page with the headers and footers is about 7 by 9.5 inches. Half page images are most welcome, preferably horizontal rather than vertical. Make them 7 by 5 inches or 4 by 9.5 inches.

If possible, send an editable version of the image so the editor can make minor changes.

About the Editor
Jessica Weissman is a semi-retired technical writer and programmer and an eager amateur baker. Her mother was newsletter editor for Palo Alto's Congregation Kol Emeth over 50 years ago, and Jessica helped proofread the copy. She considers herself lucky to have found TI and to be The Menorah editor. She lives in Silver Spring with her spouse Louise Kelley, some strong-willed pets and nearly 2,000 books.

Fri, January 31 2025 2 Shevat 5785