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Yom Kippur Break Fast

Wednesday, October 5, 2022 10 Tishrei 5783

7:30 PM

Break your fast right here at TI!

Questions? Call 202-882-1605 or click here.

TI Members: Log in at the top right corner of the screen before registering.

Non-Members: Scroll down for non-member registration form.

The attached form requires you to be logged in. Please login using the form below:


Non-Members: Register here.

   Adults and Teens 13+ ($25 each)
   Children 8-12 ($18 each)
   Children 4-7 ($14 Each)
   Babies and Tots 0-3 (Free)

Note: we have set this page to not exceed the family maximum of $85 per family. Please only sign up for your immediate family here and fill the form out a second time for any additional guests you are paying for, after setting up payment you will be able to link back to the start. Thanks


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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784