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Wear a Hat to Shul Day

Saturday, March 29, 2025 29 Adar 5785

All Day

Wear a hat on the 14th Somewhat Annual Wear a Hat to Shul Day!

Why? Wearing a hat is fun and this is a good opportunity for more TIers, men and women, to try it. Even if you are on Zoom, you can continue this tradition.

We usually have it around the time of Bella Abzug's yahrzeit. Whatever you think of Bella, you have to admire her hats! 

So try it. You may like it.

Learn about Shabbat morning services at TI here.

I Like to Wear a Hat to Shul
by Rachel Tickner
(with acknowledgement and apologies to Dr. Seuss)

Saaayyy. I like to wear a hat.
I really do. Imagine that!
So I will wear my hat to shul
to keep my head warm; my style, cool.
I'll wear it when we read the Torah.
I'll sport it when we dance the Hora.
I will wear it for the Kiddush.
I will wear it when we kibitz.
I will wear it in the house
and I will wear it with a mouse
and I will wear it here and there
and I will wear it everywhere.
I like to wear a hat to shul.


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Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785