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Deadline to Sell Chametz

Friday, April 11, 2025 13 Nisan 5785

8:30 AM

Dear Congregant,

As we approach the spring, we naturally begin to focus on Passover. People start planning their Seder; who will be coming, which night will they have at their house or at someone else’s, what new Kosher-for-Passover foods are there, and where did we put Grandma’s special cookie recipe? 

In addition to all of these thoughts, we also begin to work on cleaning our homes. We work as diligently as possible to rid our homes of all “chametz.” In the Torah, we are instructed that, “No leaven shall be seen or found in your possession during Passover” (Deuteronomy 16:4). Some people work on eating up all of their chametz before Passover and give away or dispose of any that is left over. This is hard to do and for many it is not feasible. In addition, we would certainly not dispose of all of our chametz dishes and kitchenware. 

Knowin of this hardship, the Rabbis introduced a way for us not to “own” any chametz.  Before Passover we “sell” the chametz to a non-Jew for Passover.  After Passover the goods all revert back into your ownership.  If you want to know more about the intricacies of this, please feel free to ask Rabbi Werbow.

Please take the opportunity to fill out the form below and submit it to the synagogue by 8:30 on Monday, April 11, 2025 in order to have your chametz included in the sale.

While not mandatory, it is customary to include a donation in appreciation for the efforts of the Rabbi conducting the sale. These funds will be contributed to Rabbi Werbow’s Discretionary fund, which is used to subsidize and promote Jewish cultural and religious activities.

Chag Kasher U’Samayach (A Happy and Kosher Pesach)

Werbow, Michael Signature

Rabbi Michael Werbow

TI Members, please log in before you complete this form. 

Deadline: Friday, April 11, 2025 by 8:30 am

I understand that by checking this box I authorize Rabbi Michael Werbow to act as my agent to sell, transfer, and assign all chametz of whatever kind and nature in my residence(s) and place(s) of business listed above or in any other place, without reservation or limitation. I also authorize Rabbi Werbow to rent all such localities within my property where said chametz is stored.

Donations to the Tifereth Israel Rabbi's Discretionary Fund will be greatly welcomed. Please enter the donation amount here.

TI members who are logged in may bill this gift to your account.

If you are not a member of Tifereth Israel, please provide complete contact information - Street address, and telephone number(s)


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Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785