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Bar, Bat and Kabbalat Mitzvah

Being called to the Torah as a Bar or Bat Mitzvah is an important milestone as our children immerse themselves in Jewish learning and formally recognize their commitment to a Jewish life. This cherished ritual is a time for the entire community to come together and to plant the roots upon which a child can grow into living a Jewish life.

The b’nai mitzvah program is designed to help children understand what Judaism means to them personally and as a member of the Jewish community and of society. Through the program, they study Torah, prayer, Jewish identity, and spirituality.

In addition to preparing children for b’nai mitzvah, Tifereth Israel creates a structure for those who are studying for bar and bat mitzvah to come together, including a weekend retreat. Preparation also includes special projects to heighten their awareness of the people and events happening in the community and the world.

Note: Some of our children have favored the term “Kabbalat Mitzvah” as a non-gendered term for this milestone, and we have supported them in this innovation.

B’nai Mitzvah Handbook For Families
Upcoming and Recent B'nai Mitzvah at Tifereth Israel

Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785